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Meet Abby 👋
End of Year Financials, Automated.

Abby works with Xero, the IRD & ACC to streamline your clients annual reporting by automating the preparation of financial accounts and tax returns.

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Seamlessly integrated to all your tools.

Introducing ABBY

Hi, I'm Abby - your accounting practice's reporting assistant. I can help gather all your clients' information and run all the calculations for your end of year financials, instantly.  On average, I can help you complete a job in under an hour (my part takes a second 😉)!

Abby's the rockstar your practice has been looking for.

Instant Practice Setup

Automatically access your clients and jobs from Xero & XPM, in Abby.

Balance Sheet Validation

Trust in your numbers with Abby checking bank, loans, and other balances against source documents.

GST Reconciliation Made Easy

Automatically reconcile your GST figures in Xero against the IRD records.

Wages & PAYE, Sorted

Ensure your wages and PAYE figures in Xero match up with IRD data without the hassle.

Smart Profit & Loss Reporting

Identify significant changes from last year's numbers in the blink of an eye.

Home Office Simplified

Automatically calculate home office expenses with a digital form you or your clients can fill out.

Abby can

What else can Abby do?

The 'Abby Way'

1. Job Set-Up

When you're ready to start, your admin team kicks things off by setting up the job in Abby. It's simple: just enter your details, and our system gets to work. No more manual data entry, no more risk of human error—just a smooth start to your financial reporting.

2. Review, Refine, Repeat

Once the initial setup is complete, Abby presents you with a draft of your financial documents. This is where you come in. Review the numbers, check everything over, and if you spot anything that needs changing, you can make adjustments right there and then with a manual journal. Our system will take your edits and refine the documents, ensuring everything is accurate and up to standard.

3. Finalise & Send

After you've made your tweaks and are happy with the results, then with your approval, they're ready to be sent out to your clients. You've gone from start to finish in a fraction of the time it used to take, and it's all been double-checked by our intelligent software.

Have a question?
We've got answers.
If you can't find the answer to your question, get in touch!
So, how does Abby work?

Abby integrates with Xero to take over routine accounting tasks. First, it sets up your financial reports and tax returns by pulling data straight from Xero. Then, it checks that data against bank statements and other financial records to make sure everything matches up. You review and tweak as needed, and Abby creates draft reports, ready for your review and finalisation.

Will Abby replace my staff?

No, it won't. Abby provides the ability to expand your staff's capacity to focus on quality tasks and your practices/clients growth. This technology is great for those who currently outsource their work!

Is Abby secure?

Absolutely. We've built Abby with best-in-class technology to keep all your financial data safe and sound. Our security systems have been approved by both Xero and the Australian Tax Office.

Do I need Xero & XPM to use Abby?

Yes, you do. Abby is designed to work hand-in-hand with Xero.

Do I need to be a Tax Agent?

Yes. We have designed Abby for accounting practices in New Zealand.

Does Abby prepare manual journals?

Yes she does. Abby creates draft journals for entertainment, interest expense for loans, GST and wages variances, creditors and debtors, home office, etc. - Ready for your review and posting.

About us

Tailored for Accountants, by Accountants

Built on 20 years of accounting expertise, Abby is the brainchild of accountants like you who needed a better way. We understand your daily grind, and we're here to help you soar above it.

Ready to meet Abby?

She's almost here and we'd love to show what she can do.

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